Our intention is to create and design an appealing tableware with a subtle and simple look, where the scene and mood is set by you (the customer) when choosing and curating just your favourite combination of colour and shape.
When buying our products you are participating in supporting and reviving a proud handcraft tradition and production in Bornholm, Denmark. Our products are locally-produced, implementing and upholding a regional handcraft-tradition with a long history set in the beautiful scenery of Bornholm.
Currently we apply two techniques in our production: wheelthrowing and jiggerjollying. These techniques requires handcrafting experience, good skills, strength and an eye for detail. We are a strong – and growing – team of approximately 15 workers, whose expertise and engagement derives from: a great passion and interest in ceramics, combined with the strong wish of maintaining the craftmanship in a local production.
All our products are high fired stoneware. We glaze all tableware products with glazes approved for food contact materials, and we are constantly adding new decorations and glazes.
At Bornholms Keramikfabrik we design and produce our own signature tableware – Ø-tableware – which can be found in leading museum- and designstores across Denmark.
We are proud to be part of a strong local ceramic tradition on Bornholm and based on the local authenticity it is our goal to uphold a stable ceramic production within Denmark.
Bornholms Keramikfabrik is owned by Frans Grønholdt Truelsen who lives in Copenhagen and at Bornholm.
Frank Eriksen. Art director, grafiker og konceptudvikler med stærk brandingerfaring fra danske og internationale reklamebureauer. Har arbejdet i den københavnske reklamebranche fra 1979 til 2001. Har nu bureauet ERIKSEN+BRANDS på Bornholm med både lokale kunder og kunder i resten af landet. Afholder brandingseminarer for virksomheder, hvor medarbejderne selv er med til at skabe virksomhedens brandingplatform.
Our intention is to create and design an appealing tableware with a subtle and simple look, where the scene and mood is set by you (the customer) when choosing and curating just your favourite combination of colour and shape.
When buying our products you are participating in supporting and reviving a proud handcraft tradition and production in Bornholm, Denmark. Our products are locally-produced, implementing and upholding a regional handcraft-tradition with a long history set in the beautiful scenery of Bornholm.
Currently we apply two techniques in our production: wheelthrowing and jiggerjollying. These techniques requires handcrafting experience, good skills, strength and an eye for detail. We are a strong – and growing – team of approximately 15 workers, whose expertise and engagement derives from: a great passion and interest in ceramics, combined with the strong wish of maintaining the craftmanship in a local production.
All our products are high fired stoneware. We glaze all tableware products with glazes approved for food contact materials, and we are constantly adding new decorations and glazes.
At Bornholms Keramikfabrik we design and produce our own signature tableware – Ø-tableware – which can be found in leading museum- and designstores across Denmark.
We are proud to be part of a strong local ceramic tradition on Bornholm and based on the local authenticity it is our goal to uphold a stable ceramic production within Denmark.
Bornholms Keramikfabrik is owned by Frans Grønholdt Truelsen who lives in Copenhagen and at Bornholm.
Lucy’s Bakery er et lille bageri med stor fokus på håndværk, sæsonens råvarer og smag. Inspirationen opstår især i mødet med den bornholmske natur og egen køkkenhave. Samarbejdet med andre lokale bornholmske fødevareproducenter er helt centralt og der anvendes fx udelukkende økologisk mel fra Bornholms Valsemølle og smør fra Sct. Clemens Andelsmejeri i Klemensker.
LUCYs Bakery bager en række forskellige wienerbrød samt surdejsboller og brød. En uges menu kunne således lyde på croissanter, tebirkes med mørk mandelremonce, spandauer med vaniljecreme og hjemmelavet brombærsyltetøj, frøsnapper, Pain au Chocolate og Mandelcroissanter med frangipane og blommekompot.
LUCYs Bakery bager også til arrangementer og har fx leveret bagværk og brød til barnedåb, fødselsdage, workshops, bryllupper mm.
Bag Lucy’s Bakery står Louise Kure Hespe, opvokset i Svaneke og som efter flere år i bl.a Århus, København, Hong Kong og San Francisco med en fortid indenfor hhv Udenrigsministeriet, danske designmøbler, salg og online marketing mm er vendt tilbage til Bornholm med familien.
Louise begyndte at bage med surdej, da hun boede i San Francisco og det var særligt efter at være vendt tilbage til Bornholm i 2019 at kærligheden til den håndlavede wienerdej blussede op. Det startede som et hobbyprojekt i eget køkken hvor hun 10 gange om året bagte på forudbestilling – håndlavede croissanter, spandauer, tebirkes, pain au chocolat mm.
Da Louise tilsidst stod og lavede 260 stks bagværk i sin lille gamle husholdningsovn, var det tid til at overveje andre muligheder og her blev det ved et lykketræf Møbelfabrikkens produktionslokaler som LUCYs Bakery kunne åbne op i marts 2023.
LUCYs Bakery er åbent året rundt, hver lørdag formiddag. Man kan altid se ugens menu på instagram og facebook hvor det også er muligt at forudbestille bagværk.
Louise Kure Hespe
tlf: +45.51928012
instagram: @lucys_bakery_bornholm
facebook: LUCYs Bakery